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9/11/2012 | New video discusses the benefits of replacing hydraulics with electromechanical actuation

KRISTIANSTAD, SWEDEN – Thomson Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of innovative linear and rotary mechanical motion control components, has published a video tutorial with electromechanical expert Al Wroblaski on the engineering choices involved in replacing hydraulic actuation with electromechanical actuators.

Håkan Persson, Product Line Manager Thomson Actuators commented: “We hope that this short video will provide an introduction to the merits of replacing hydraulics with electromechanical linear actuators, and their potential to save money and improve conditions for both machine operators and the environment by reducing contamination and energy consumption.”

Mr. Wroblaski also discusses the relative design envelope of the two technologies, and how system complexity can be reduced by using a single-part electromechanical actuator. Thomson linear actuators incorporate a motor, drive screw and gearhead providing a portable, rugged source of linear thrust. Because they are electrically powered and are available with standard encoders, they can be easily integrated into control systems. He also explains how a ball, or lead - screw drive can provide more precise positioning than a hydraulic system with zero maintenance.

Thomson linear actuators are used in more than 10,000 applications throughout the world, from mobile off-highway vehicle applications where rugged portable actuation is paramount, to clean actuation in a food packaging environment or wind farm applications with sub-zero temperatures. The video also shows how actuators are tested to ensure that they meet customer’s specific application requirements such as load, life or repeatability.

Thomson’s website www.thomsonlinear.com offers a range of additional free educational resources and design tools to help OEMs make informed mechanical and electromechanical motion control decisions, including webinars and technical articles on a wide array of motion control topics. Its online Linear MOTIONEERING® tool also aids engineers in the sizing and selection of linear systems and components.

The video “From Hydraulic to Electric: Industrial Linear Actuators” can be watched for free on the Thomson Industries YouTube channel at the following URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PahXPf88vzQ

Interesting facts about Thomson

With over 60 years of expertise in the field of drive technology, Thomson is the unrivalled industry leader in the manufacturing of Ball Bushing® and profile rail bearings, 60 Case® shafts, precision ground and rolled ball screws, linear actuators, gearheads, clutches, brakes, linear systems and suitable accessories. Thomson launched the linear ball bushing bearing onto the market back in 1945 and since then has been setting new benchmarks in the development of drive control solutions for companies from a wide range of industrial sectors such as the aviation and arms industry. Thomson Industries Inc. has production sites in North America, Europe and Asia in addition to a global network of over 2,000 dealers.

Thomson, 1500?Mittel Boulevard, Wood Dale, IL 60191-1073; 1-540-633-3549; 1-540-633-0294 (fax);?Thomson@thomsonlinear.com; www.thomsonlinear.com.???????

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